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09 Jul Avoid these mistakes and make yourself more attractive
0 29058
There are many details that need to be paid attention to in order to achieve the perfect female looks, such as exquisite makeup, body management and table mannersWant to be attractive all the time? If so, there are some things you should definitely a..
25 Jun How to get a satisfactory female voice?
0 11751
Voice is an important factor in feminization. Realizing a qualified female voice is the dream of many crossdressers and transgenders. It is easy to make mistakes when trying to feminize voice.If you want to make your voice more feminine? The followin..
18 Jun 7 summer style tips
0 11020
Summer is the most worthwhile season to buy a single item of the four seasons of the year. Although the weather is hot, you can enjoy the sun and beaches to the fullest.Are you ready for sundresses, bikinis and swimsuits? There is nothing more femini..
23 Mar How crossdressing changed my life
0 17211
Since my childhood, I have felt a big interest in femininity. I think I always knew I was meant to experience what I am experiencing today, since I came out to my girlfriend as a crossdresser. Having grown up on a slightly conservative catholic famil..
02 Mar 5 tips to make your eyebrows more feminine
0 12766
Your eyebrows are one of the most defining features in your face, and can usually make a huge difference for your overall appearance. when dressing up, you’ll want to make sure that you give your eyebrows the correct treatment, because it can really ..
13 Jan How to show confidence when going out as a crossdresser
0 9576
The covid 19 pandemic caught everyone off guard, that's sure, and the much needed, yet long, period of quarantine and lockdown ended up making everyone stay at home, and as a side effect, chances are that you lost some of the confidence that you have..
22 Dec How to avoid entanglement on your wigs
tang 0 12577
Wigs are one of the “must have” items on the list of most crossdressers. Not only do they allow you to effortlessly try different hairstyle combinations, but they are also accessible and easy to find. The only downside on the account of wigs is that ..
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)